Are there Dragons roaming about in the lands? This account will put a chill in yer heart!
Also new: Lord Kandor's Monsters Table A MUCH more complete listing of the beasties of Elanthia than the one I have here.
Here's a list of the beasts you'll likely encounter while adventuring in Elanthia. We've tried to determine their level, so you can get an idea of how much you'll learn while hunting them, as well as their offensive and defensive strengths. We're trying to expand this to as many creatures in the lands as we can, but at this point is by no means all-inclusive. Also please bear in mind that creature are subject to changes beyond our control. The date column indicates the last time a given monster was checked. So now, without further ado we give you:
Beastie Level AS DS Comments Date ------- ----- -- -- -------- ---- Giant Rat 1 5 -10 disease 04/23/96 Rolton 1 10 0 04/25/96 Zombie Rolton 1 10 0 undead 03/20/97 Skeleton 1 10 0 undead 05/16/96 Lesser Ghoul 1 10 5 undead 05/16/96 Kobold 1 10 10 04/26/96 Carrion Worm 1 26/22 12 04/23/96 Grub 1 10 10 04/26/96 Lesser Shade 2 15 10 undead,fear, airwall 04/23/96 Sea Nymph 2 15 10 song of holding 04/23/96 Phantom 2 20 10 undead, aura 05/16/96 Goblin 2 20 20 04/26/96 Cave Gnome 2 20 40 04/23/96 Thyril 2 20 55 04/23/96 Ghost 2 30 24 undead 04/23/96 Cobra 2 30 40 poison 05/16/96 Mountain Snowcat 3 45 20 05/28/96 Greater Ghoul 3 40 20 undead 05/16/96 Cave Gnoll 3 60 35 04/26/96 Cave Nipper 3 45/35 20 04/26/96 Velnalin 3 27/33/36 26 04/25/96 Hobgoblin 3 50 45 04/25/96 Fire Salamander 3 22 38 04/23/96 Troglodyte 3 50 30 04/26/96 Relnak 3 36 46 04/23/96 Dark Vysan 3 45/40/35 26 04/23/96 Gremlin 3/4* 45 90 steals items 04/26/96 Leaper 4 55/45/10 28 04/23/96 Revenant 4 60 45 undead 05/16/96 Red Orc 4 60 50 04/23/96 Lesser Orc 4 60 30 04/26/96 Wolverine 5 40 50 disease 04/25/96 Greater Orc 5 80 50 04/26/96 Night Golem 5 40-70 40 03/20/97 Mist Wraith 5 40-80 50 undead 03/20/97 Forest Troll 6 40 25 04/26/96 Lesser Mummy 6 40 30 undead 04/16/96 Cockatrice 6 60/50 34 stone gaze 04/26/96 Fishermen 6 40 30 undead 04/23/96 Fire Phantom 6 60 60 undead, fire cloud 03/20/97 fire bolt Greater Kappa 7 65 34 04/23/96 Shelfae Soldier 7 80 56 04/23/96 Large Ogre 8 100 40 05/28/96 Thrak 8 100/70/50 36 04/26/96 Greater Spider 8 75/70 40 web 04/26/96 Bone Golem 8 40-100 30 undead 03/20/97 Death Dirge 9 60 65 undead fear, holding song 05/16/96 Manticore 9 80/75 38 04/26/96 Great Boar 10 100 45 disease 04/26/96 Grey Orc 10 90 70 stun cloud 04/30/96 Werebear 10 95/90/85 40 undead 04/26/96 Giant Marmot 10 85/65 40 04/26/96 Cave Worm 10 80 40 04/26/96 War Troll 10 120 70 04/29/96 Hill Troll 11 90 42 04/26/96 Shelfae Chieftan 11 85 75 tremors 04/23/96 Black Bear 11 110/105 60 disease 04/26/96 Cave Troll 12 127/150 36 04/26/96 Dark Orc 12 85 64 04/26/96 Crystal Golem 12 100/80/90 44 tremors 04/26/96 Titan 13 105 66 lesser shroud, ? 04/29/96 Darkwoode 13 100/90 46 undead,water bolt 04/26/96 call wind Wraith 15 90 50 undead, fear 04/26/96 75 100 cold ball 75 100 lightning bolt Puma 15 150/135 70 04/26/96 Tomb Wight 15 135 165 undead 05/16/96 Ghoul Master 16 90 72 undead, fear 05/16/96 Fire Rat 16 155 75 disease 04/26/96 Krol Mercenary 17 139 90 04/26/96 Fire Cat 18 165 90 04/26/96 Krol Warrior 19 145 96 04/26/96 Arch Wight 20 155 215 undead 05/16/96 Centaur (tan) 23 200 66 04/29/96 Lesser Gargoyle 27 156/210 76 maneuver attack 04/29/96 death attack Mein Golem 37 220/245 130 explode after dead 04/29/96 Stone Gargoyle 39 255/253 98 maneuver attack 04/29/96 death attack Roa'ter 41 253 132 maneuver attack 04/29/96 Moaning Spirit 41* 230/235 ? undead 04/29/96 Krylite Worker 46* 250/260 190 04/29/96 Krylite Defender 53* 250/295 213 tongue attack 295AS 04/29/96 Nightmare Steed 51* 283 90? undead/ewave/dispell 04/29/96 Stone Sentinel** 304 226 maneuver attack 04/29/96 death attack 1. wizard 45*/54 wizard spells 2. ranger 45*/54 ranger spells 3. sorcerer 57 sorc spells Banshee 57* 250/325 250? undead 04/29/96 +100CS stunning wail Troll King 60 350 60 rages up to AS 560 04/29/96 Harbinger 60*/68* 355 270 minor spirit spells 04/29/96 major spirit spells * We are not absolutely sure of this level value ** Stone Sentinels come in at least 3 types (ranger, wizard, and sorc) The AS and DS shown here are for no particular type. I am certain of the level of the sorc type, but not sure of the levels of the wizard and ranger type. The maneuver and death attack are for all 3 types.Note: multiple numbers in the AS column indicate the AS for different forms of attack, for example stomp, claw, or bite attacks. For weapon using creatures, only their AS with the weapon is listed.
Thanks to the following characters for helping to gather and compile this information:
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Last modified 11 July, 1997.