Welcome to the Unofficial GemStone III Page
These pages are getting extremely dated. When I started this web site in
1995, I intended for it to be a place for people using different services
to access GemStone III to be able to find information, share thoughts and
ideas, and interact in a united forum. Since GSIII has moved to the web,
this goal has been obsolesced. In addition, I no longer play GSIII, my
characters having been transfered to another player, so much of my
interest in maintaining this site has vanished. There are a host
of other sites dedicated to GSIII that are well-maintained by current
players who still have a passion for the game in addition to the official
GSIII web site itself.
I leave this site up as a monument to the idea of having GSIII available
on the Internet. Any comments will, as always, be welcomed, but there
will be little, if any, new or updated material herein.
To all of my friends from the old days, fare thee well. The times we
shared, both good and bad, will always be fondly remembered.
Tim Melton
aka Felias Catskin
aka Mordring Ungeheuerjaeger
GemStone III is an online roleplaying game designed by Simutronics that may
be accessed through Compuserve, Genie, America Online (AOL) or Prodigy. This page is
intended to give information that will help new characters get started in
the World of GemStone III, Elanthia, as well as to provide information to older
(more experienced) characters who may find this means of getting the
latest information more convenient than either Prodigy's, AOL's or Genie's BBS's.
Again, for those that have trouble reading, here is the information on
Where to Find GemStone III
What's New?
The last few items to be added or changed on this site.
Here is an index of the sections on this page. It seems that some
(including some of the folks that program the very game we love) can't
seem to use a scroll bar or even read. I hope this makes things easier
for those that are similarly disabled. (I even made the font big so they
might be able to read it better ;-)
- Newbie Information - Information for new GemStone III players.
Straight from the Genie BBS.
- A Guide to Elanthian
Fauna - A list of the monsters wandering about in the lands of
Elanthia, their fighting characteristics, and levels. This is a work in progress, so keep checking back for updates!
- Rogue's Gallery -
Closed for upgrading and maintenance.
- The Unofficial GemStone III Web BBS Page -
This has been closed down. It's original purpose, to provide a
provider-independent forum for players to exchange information, has been
supplanted by the official GSIII boards on the web.
- Getting Along in Elanthia - a tutorial to getting along in the lands.
From traditional hunting etiquette to sex online, this is your informal
Cartographer's Corner - A list of
the maps for GemStone III. (Ed. note: the labeling on these maps is a
bit out of date. They will be updated ASAP. Zepath has the most
up-to-date collection of maps at this time.)
- Honest Oghi's Survival
Tips - Some good tips for surviving in Elanthia.
- Pavilion of Performing Arts
- Come have a look at the performances of our fellow adventurers.
The Professions Page
- Guides and stories of adventure written by
people experienced in the trials and tribulations of the various
professions in Elanthia. This is valuable information, especially for new
Houses of Elanthia - A
list of houses in Elanthia with links to any Web pages dedicated to the house.
If you are an officer in a house and wish me to add a small blurb about the house other than its location,
drop me a line.
- First Annual Unofficial
Mid-America GemStone III Gathering: The Results - Here's an account of what happened at the first GemStone
III gathering away from the coasts. It was held 12-14 April in Norman,
Second Annual
Unofficial Mid-America GemStone III Gathering: The Results - This is a
an account of the events at the second GemStone III gathering in the
middle of the country. It was help 11-13 April in Norman, Oklahoma.
GemStone III - Las Vegas Style - A link to information on GemStone
gatherings in Las Vegas.
SimuCon ][ - The site for
information on Simutronics' 1997 Convention in St. Louis. Unfortunately,
the whiz kids that designed this site assume that you have a newer version
of Netscape or Internet Explorer... or any browser that recognizes frames.
That leaves all you old Netscape users, Mosaic users, Lynx users, etc...
out in the cold. Sorry, they don't care. But if you can get to it
(and can stand frames) it's an attractive and informative site. The Convention
looks like it will be one heck of a bash! Here are some photos from Simucon ][.
Return to TAM Consulting's main page
If you have problems, comments, questions, or complaints about the
GemStone III pages you can
send mail to Tim Melton (tam@tamcon.com) .
Last modified 17 March 1998.
GemStone is a trademark of Simutronics Corp., all rights reserved.
GemStone III is Copyright © 1987-1998 by Simutronics Corp., all rights
All other product
names mentioned herein are trademaks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies. Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 TAM Consulting. All rights
This Gemstone III
Ring site owned by Tim Melton.
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