Here is a list of other pages that have Air Warrior related material. Since most of these are home pages and many of the folks that play Air Warrior also play WarBirds, you might find some info on it as well. Also, this collection of pages really is like a Web: most of these pages contain links to one another. You can get to almost anywhere from almost anywhere. Finally, as it turns out, almost every page I have a link to here requires Netscape's browser to get the full effect, so if you don't have Netscape or a browser that recognizes Netscape extensions, be prepared. Enjoy!
First we look at the Gunfighters:
Axeman's Frankenpage - Axeman's totally ripped off home page (his words ;-).
The Monastary - Gregory "Monk" Stelmack's home page. He's got a couple of missions he designed for AW 1.5 available for download.
Wolfman's Home Page - Yet another Netscape-centric site. Maybe I should start to only mention sites that are not designed for Netscape ;-). This is a big collection of Air Warrior information including an exhaustive list of other AW pilots' home pages, squadron information, etc... And, okay, it is sharp looking when using Netscape to view it ;-)
...and here are links to other AW/WB fliers and pages:
The Air Warrior Web Site - This was the original AW Web site. It contains tons of information about Air Warrior, one of the most exciting online flight sims in existance today.
Starhawk's Airwarrior Knowledge Page Shebop's Air Warrior Page - A fairly Netscape-centric site. This is THE reference to AW on CRIS.
DoK GonZo's Home Page - DoK's home page with links to his Air Warrior page as well as his WarBirds page.
Rocketman's Home Page - A great resource with links to many AW and flightsim related Web sites.
Ketchup's Home Page - If you want to learn about ketchup or just browse through some nice pics of the 1995 AW Convention, check this out.
Big Hank's Web Page - Guess what? Yep, another Netscape enhanced page. And, he uses the word Kewl.... ;-) This page is.
The Twisted Page - Twisted's home page. Lots of info on AW (planes, etc...), some great art by Frank "Gray Eagle" Williamson, info on Fighter Pilots USA, etc... Well done even for non-Netscapers.
moggy's home page - moggy's home on the Web. For those that don't already know, Gary "moggy" Cooper is a product support guy for Kesmai. Lot's of AW stuff and graphically intense.
The Finnish Air Force - The -=FAF-='s home page. All you ever wanted to know about their squardon and members.
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Last modified 25 October 1996.