Energetic Materials of Oklahoma, LLC


2001 Price List Addendum




BS1010                         AltAcc 2A altimeter                         Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc2A                      160.00            145.95

BS1011                         AltAcc2A labels (5)                        Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc2A                          5.00                4.60

BS1012                         AltAcc2 labels (5)                           Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc2                             5.00                4.60

BS1013                         AltAcc  starter kit                            Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc                             15.00              13.95

BS1014                         AltAcc2A Housing                          Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc2A                        40.00              36.80

BS1015                         AltAcc Palm adapter                       Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc                             20.00              18.40

BS1016                         AltAcc2A Remote                           Blacksky                                          Electronics        AltAcc2A                        40.00              36.80

BS1020                         Timer 2N                                          Blacksky                                          Electronics        Timer 2N                          80.00              72.95

BS1021                         Timer 2N labels (5)                          Blacksky                                          Electronics        Timer 2N                            5.00                4.60

BS1022                         Timer 2 labels (5)                            Blacksky                                          Electronics        Timer 2                              5.00                4.60

BS1023                         Timer starter kit                               Blacksky                                          Electronics        Timer                               15.00              13.80

BS1024                         Timer 2N housing                            Blacksky                                          Electronics        Timer 2N                          50.00              46.00

BS1030                         Timer One                                       Blacksky                                          Electronics        Timer One                        50.00              46.00

BS4011                         HiRMI standard e-match (10)          Blacksky                                          Pyrotechnics    HiRMI standard                15.00              13.50

BS4012                         HiRMI Mini e-match (10)                  Blacksky                                          Pyrotechnics    HiRMI Mini                        15.00              13.50

BS4013                         HiRMI e-match sensitive (10)          Blacksky                                          Pyrotechnics    HiRMI sensitive                15.00              13.50

BS4110                         ARD - Advanced Release Device  Blacksky                                          Pyrotechnics    ARD                               100.00              89.95

BS4111                         ARD spares kit                                Blacksky                                          Pyrotechnics    ARD spares                    40.00              35.95

BS5100                         Pro-38 6 motor set and DAT           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     Pre38 set                       200.00            180.00

BS5101                         Pro-38 Delay Adjustment Tool        Cesaroni                                          delay kit            P38 DAT                          15.00              13.50

BS5111                         Pro-38 1 grain motor casing           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     P38 1 grain                      25.00              22.50

BS5112                         Pro-38 2 grain motor casing           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     P38 2 grain                      30.00              27.00

BS5113                         Pro-38 3 grain motor casing           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     P38 3 grain                      35.00              31.50

BS5114                         Pro-38 4 grain motor casing           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     P38 4 grain                      40.00              36.00

BS5115                         Pro-38 5 grain motor casing           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     P38 5 grain                      45.00              40.50

BS5116                         Pro-38 6 grain motor casing           Cesaroni                                          motor casing     P38 6 grain                      50.00              45.00

BS5121                         135-G60 1 grain reload                   Cesaroni                                          Motor reload     135-G60                          20.00              18.00

BS5122                         265-H110 2 grain reload                 Cesaroni                                          Motor reload     265-H110                        25.00              22.50

BS5123                         402-I170 3 grain reload                   Cesaroni                                          Motor reload     402-I170                          30.00              27.00

BS5124                         540-I240 4 grain reload                   Cesaroni                                          Motor reload     540-I240                          35.00              31.50

BS5125                         670-J300 5 grain reload                  Cesaroni                                          Motor reload     670--J300                        40.00              36.00

BS5126                         800-J360 6 grain reload                  Cesaroni                                          Motor reload     800-J360                         45.00              40.50



This is just a sample of the products that we plan to have in stock.  If there is something that Blacksky produces that you would like to get and don’t see it here, just drop us an e-mail at emook_orders@tamcon.com and we’ll get it for you.  Right now, the Pro38 reloads are restricted access, meaning that you must either have a LEUP or fill out a yellow sheet for it.  They must also be stored in a magazine or burned within 24 hours.  This may change in the future as the grains weigh in at 64.5 grams – just 2 grams over the 62.5 gram unrestricted access weight limit imposed by the BATF now.  Also the newer Pro38 reloads will feature an extra set of external threads on the aft closure to allow it to be installed in a threaded motor mount that is available as either a flange or a tube.  Stay tuned for availability.


We’ve also found a source for Thermalite.  Pricing is $70.00 for a 30m roll, $25.00 for 10m (you provide a roll to put it on), or $1.00 per foot.  Remember, this is considered an explosive by BATF so you must have a LEUP or fill out a yellow sheet and store it in a magazine or burn it posthaste.







Energetic Materials of Oklahoma, L.L.C


536 N.W. 41st St.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118

(405) 203-2859



Timothy A. Melton


  TRA #7765 L2

NAR #75694 L2


Home AeroTech Products Ignition Products Composite Materials Ordering Information Addendum 1