Here is a list of various chemical, petrochemical, and biochemical companies that have a presence
on the Web.
- Argus Chemicals
- Aspen Technology, Inc.
- Astra Pharmaceuticals
- AT&T
- Calgon Corporation
- Chevron
- Ciba-Geigy AG
- Control Arts, Inc.
- Dielectric Polymers
- Dow Chemical Company
- DuPont
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Eli Lilly and Company
- Gelman Sciences, Inc.
- Genetech, Inc.
- General Electric
- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
- Hitachi Instruments, Inc.
- Hoechst Internet Forum
- Hyprotech Ltd.
- IBM Corp.
- Lanxide Coated Products
- Mobil
- Motorola
- Monsanto
- Pfizer, Inc.
- Phoenix Polymers, Inc.
- Pilot Chemical Company
- Quality Chemicals, Inc.
- Quest Consultants, Inc.
- Radian Corporation
- Replas, Inc.
- Rohm and Haas
- Schlumberger
- Sematech
- SensonCorp, Limited
- Shell Chemical Company
- Sigma Chemical Company
- Texaco
- Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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Last modified 11 November 1998.